Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thank you, YouTube

Well, they've finally done it. YouTube has mostly eliminated time limits on user submissions. The qualification is that a user must have a history of complying with the Community Guidelines and copyright rules. I got a notice about this today.

This is great news; now I won't have to worry about staying within 15 minutes in my future episodes. Yes, I know I could always have recorded long sessions and broken them apart like some people do. But the large amount of data I deal with in creating my own videos (in order to maintain very high quality) would make that impractical, which is partly why you're not going to see 5-hour videos from me any time soon. That and the fact planning gets more involved for longer videos. But at least now I can relax and end the video when I'm ready to end it.


  1. That's good, thanks for letting us know more about it.

  2. I happened to be reading the Community Help Forums recently. According to what a Google employee said there ( ), you can enable longer uploads by confirming your account. Odd, though. I don't remember ever confirming mine. I have had it since Feb. 2009, though. Maybe that has something to do with it? Or maybe I was just one of the lucky ones to get it automatically.

  3. I should probably add that this is a fairly recent announcement (mid-September), while getting my limit lifted happened about December of *last* year. Just so no one's confused.


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